While editing, sometimes you need the same element over and over again. In Visual Composer editor, you can copy and paste elements so you can have the identical element with the same content, same color.There are several ways to copy and paste elements in Visual Composer.From element controlSelect the element that you want to copyHover over the element controlClick CopyHover over the column that you want to paste element Click PasteFrom right clickThe process is pretty similar to copy and paste from element control. The only difference is, you can directly right click on the element and on the column:From tree viewSelect the element that you want to copyHover over the sandwich iconClick copyAfter that, select the column where you want the element to show upHover over the sandwich iconClick pasteClone instead of copy and pasteIf you just want to have the identical element directly below it, you can use clone instead. You can find it on top of the copy:Copy element from different pageYou can use these methods to also copy an element from a page and paste it on a different page within the same site. You just need to have two pages opened on separate tabs, and copy element between them.And if you want to copy all elements from a page, instead of copying, you can use the Global Templates feature.
How to copy and paste elements?
How to copy and paste elements?