What is Visual Composer Hub?

What is Visual Composer Hub?

The Visual Composer Hub is a cloud library of elements, templates, blocks, addons, and stock images.You can download the content from the Hub and use it for building websites in Visual Composer. The content of the Hub ranges from a simple text block element to full page templates.Based on your license (free or premium) you can access part or all content of the Hub. A user with a premium license has access to over 500+ assets and extended design options.How to access Visual Composer Hub?The Visual Composer Hub can be accessed in the following two ways:Navigate to the Visual Composer menu under the WordPress dashboard and select Visual Composer Hub.In the Visual Composer editor, click on the Hub icon from the navigation bar. Opening Hub from the editor is handy since you can instantly download and add content to the page.Visual Composer Hub contentThe Visual Composer Hub consists of:ElementsTemplatesBlocksAddonsHeadersFootersSidebarsStock ImagesGiphyWhile the premium license has access to all 500+ Visual Composer Hub assets, the free version has limitations to 40+ elements and templates.How to download content from the Visual Composer Hub?To download the assets from the Visual Composer, hover over the element or template and click on the download icon.To sort out free and premium elements, you can use the Hub menu located at the top. Just hover over each section (elements, templates, blocks, addons, etc.) and select either free or premium from the dropdown.All downloaded elements and templates will appear in your Add Content window, which you can find under the ‘+’ sign in the navigation bar.

How to transition from a transparent to a solid header on scrolling?

How to transition from a transparent to a solid header on scrolling?

In order to achieve a header that changes from transparent to a solid header, you can do that by following this tutorial:You need to create a solid header that is sticky. Make sure you set the sticky to “Show on Sticky”, so it will only show when it is sticky.Below that solid header, you need to create a transparent header.That’s it By doing so, you will have a header that transitions from a transparent to a solid header on scrolling.

How to use custom fonts?

How to use custom fonts?

To use custom font files for your site you need to follow the below process:Create a folder to store your font file in your child theme ( eg a folder ‘font’ is created in: http://yoursite.com/wp-content/themes/child-theme/font/). It’s important to create a child theme and store the font file inside the child theme so that the font file is not overwritten when you update your theme. In the style.css of your child theme add the below code. Here we are including a font called Alex, you need to replace the font name and file name that you are using.You can now style the text in the style.css of your child theme using the CSS font-family rule.,@font-face {
font-family: Alex;
src: url(http://yoursite.com/wp-content/themes/child-teme/font/AlexBrush-Regular.ttf);
font-weight: normal;
},#apply {
font-family: “Alex”, Arial, sans-serif;

Visual Composer and GDPR

Visual Composer and GDPR

Yes, Visual Composer and all services provided by Visual Composer is fully GDPR compliant. In addition, we ensure that all 3rd party services that are related to our data processes and storage are fully GDPR compliant as well. Make sure to visit our Privacy Policy for all necessary information on what type of data we store about the customers, how we use it, and steps on how to retrieve this information automatically.Important: Visual Composer plugin does not store any information about your customers (website visitors).What is GDPR?On May 25’th, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect across the European Union. These laws aim to provide customers with more control over their personal data and protect their rights.



Advanced Custom Fields allows adding custom fields (also called metadata) to your WordPress site.Visual Composer provides the Advanced Custom Fields element which can be downloaded from the Visual Composer Hub. The element allows displaying custom fields from the Advanced Custom Fields.As a developer, you can also add an extra class name to the element and use local or global CSS to style the output of your field to your liking.In addition to that, Visual Composer offers Dynamic Content Fields feature which allows you to use custom fields from Advanced Custom Fields.

Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms

Visual Composer makes it easier to add a form created using the Gravity Forms plugin through its interface.Once the Gravity Forms plugin is installed and activated, a form can be created under Forms – New form:You can check the detailed process of creating form fields on the Gravity Forms website. Upon saving the form, the next step is to add it to the page.To add a form, download the Gravity Forms element from the Visual Composer Hub:Upon adding it onto the page, you can select the form which was previously created. You can also choose to show/hide the title and description in its settings.



The Visual Composer integrates with a variety of plugins which makes it easier to display their output. These elements can be downloaded from the Visual Composer Hub.To use them, the respective third-party plugin needs to be installed. Following are the plugins which Visual Composer integrates with:WooCommerceAdvanced Custom FieldsTranslatePressGravity FormsContact Form 7Caldera FormsCaptainFormNinja FormsWP FormsEnvira GalleryEssential GridEventOn CalendarKreatura SliderMailChimp for WordPressNextGen GallerySlider RevolutionwpDataTables



Visual Composer Website Builder has integration and is fully compatible with WooCommerce. The biggest e-commerce plugins for WordPress.You can use different WooCommerce elements to build a site in Visual Composer:Single product pageCart pageAdd to cart buttonCheckout pageArchive pageAccount PageFeatured product pageBest selling productRelated productRecent productTop-rated productYou can also edit your single product page using Visual Composer by enabling it in the Role Manager:



Addons gives you extra functionality to extend the capabilities of the Visual Composer Website Builder beyond elements & templatesList of Visual Composer AddonsVisual Composer Hub offers an addons section, where you can download exclusive extensions without installing additional plugins:Font Manager: Control the typography and font styles of your site, including links, paragraphs, headings, and buttons.Global Templates: Control content across multiple pages from a single point.Export/Import: Transfer Visual Composer templates, headers, footers, and sidebars between different sites. You can access the export/import option in Visual Composer Settings.Template Widget: Add Visual Composer templates in the sidebar via a widget.Gutenberg Template Block: Add any Visual Composer template to your Gutenberg layout via Visual Composer Template block.Dynamic Content: ​​Insert dynamic content like post title, featured image, other WordPress fields, and custom fields in your pages without coding.Maintenance Mode: Enable maintenance mode across the site while making changes to it.Premium Design Options: Premium features that extend edit form capabilities for the Visual Composer Premium subscribers.Premium Icon Libraries: Extend Visual Composer icon picker with additional icon libraries such as Entypo, Batch, Dripicons, etc.Theme Builder: Design custom layouts for pages, posts, archives 404-pages and replace theme default layouts with custom designs.Element Presets: Creating reusable elements when the same settings are used again.Popup Builder: Create popups and manage their triggers (ex. on click, exit intent, page depth, page load).Role Manager: Control access to the editor based on the WordPress user role or lock certain elements on your page.How to download AddonsTo download and install addons:Open Visual Composer Hub;Navigate to addons section;Click on “Download Addon”;The addon will be downloaded and automatically installed on your siteWhen activating Premium, there are addons that will be downloaded and installed automatically (ex. Theme Builder, Premium Icon Libraries, and Premium Design Options).

Elements & templates

Elements & templates

The Visual Composer Hub consists of a wide range of elements and templates. The content elements are the basic building blocks of the layout. Each element has a wide range of settings which makes unique styling possible.The templates on the other hand are pre-built layouts that can be added to a page. All templates consist of elements that can be adjusted to your liking. You can make minor changes or use templates like a base for your page layout.In the Visual Composer Hub, you can find the following template types:Full pagesBlocks (sections)HeadersFootersSidebarsActivating a premium license gives access to all elements and templates from the Visual Composer Hub. To download elements and templates, hover over the element or template and click on the download icon. Downloaded content will appear in your “Add Content” window. You can then add elements and templates to your page.